There are approximately one bazillion keyboards available for Android users on Google Play. For many there is just one that stands apart from all the rest, SwiftKey. Just two days ago we reported how SwiftKey had just become “even more awesome” with additions to it’s hub. The improvements haven’t stopped there with Swiftkey today announcing that in the holiday spirit they are making ALL themes free.

SwiftKey is my go-to keyboard that has just about every feature you could possibly want in a keyboard. It uses it’s own artificial intelligence to learn your writing style, your most used words and how you like to type which results in autocorrect and predictive text that adapts to you. It has swipe-to-type as well as the usual tap to type as well as support for over 100 languages.

Along with making all of their themes available for download for free SwiftKey have introduced some new “Vivid” themes. If customising your Android device is how you like to roll I highly recommend checking out Swiftkey and their themes.

Microsoft SwiftKey AI Keyboard
Microsoft SwiftKey AI Keyboard
Developer: SwiftKey
Price: Free
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Björn Rostron

What are they making their money on now? Originally a paid app, then free app with in-app purchases. Now free themes.


Considering Microsoft bought SwiftKey in March, I don’t think Microsoft are that concerned about earning money for theme purchases.

Björn Rostron

Ahhh yeah. Completely forgot they were bought out by MS. Obviously money isn’t an issue for Swiftkey anymore haha