Since the introduction of Goals to Google Calendar we haven’t really seen any enhancements to the service. Google has announced today they have connected Google Fit and Apple Health into the scheduling assistant.

With the new integration, you can choose to connect your fitness app at the time of creating the goal, from there every time you record your activity in Google Fit or Apple Health it will automatically mark the ‘Goal’ calendar event as completed.

Google has also added a new visual performance tracker into the calendar card to let you see how you are going towards that fitness goal.

Google calendar will find available slots in your schedule to fit in whatever your goals are, however, that doesn’t mean that’s the time you’ll get it done. Calendar will track when you actually mark off your fitness goals and use that information to dynamically adjust your Calendar entries for those activities.

Overall this isn’t a huge update however it’s good to see Google continue to both update services and integrate their platforms.

Do you use the Goals function in Google Calendar? Let us know below.

Source: Google.