
If you’re planning to do a lot of international travel in the next year, Vodafone‘s latest change to its international roaming should make you sit up and take notice. The carrier’s Red plans page now lists complimentary $5 roaming on highest tier Red plan so you can use your included calls, texts and data when roaming in 47 countries for free.

We’ve long held a soft spot for Vodafone’s Red Roaming plans. They made a splash at their introduction last year, and Phil had great things to say about the service when he took a trip to New Zealand in the following weeks. Since then, Vodafone’s added more countries and switched on 4G roaming in some countries. The number of countries you can now roam to for $5 a day on Vodafone’s Red roaming stands at 47.

To sweeten the deal, the $100 plan has the same infinite calls and texts as other Red plans, and a supersized 6GB data allowance – which you’ll be able to use here, or overseas. As of yesterday you’ll also get a subcription to either Spotify Premium or SMH / The Age.

The countries supported by Red Roaming are Albania, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Scotland, Serbia, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, USA, and Wales. Additionally, 4G LTE roaming is supported in Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain and the United Kingdom.

In comparison, Telstra’s updates to its international roaming earlier this week look out of touch at best, and this offer could be the final nail in the coffin of my own Telstra service. With the amount of travel I’m planning to do in 2015, and my usual monthly data consumption hovering around 5-6 GB I’m considering switching to Vodafone’s $100/month Red plan. Are you?

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Vodafone’s coverage and customer service have certainly improved since put the boot in them.


Been with Vodafone for years. iPhone 5S for $1 a month, after a little haggling, always seem to offer a good service. I would not change


Vodafone are doing a lot to win and keep customers. I have been with them for years and their in store service where I go is outstanding. The value I get from them is also outstanding. If you are traveling for a long period you can probably upgrade whilst away from a lower plan which would be the way to go – better than the rip off rates you pay to use local services in some places like France

Vivek Rao

Also note that on telstra plans all overseas calls you makon your mobile even when in australia are billed resulting in huge costs .


was optus customer for 5-6 years recently switched to vodaphone loving it..and being a finance person vodaphone is value for money….great customer service….unlike optus billing me wrong for 4 months and talking to the call center in phil was a joke…90% of time im at work or home and vodaphone covers both with 4G….so is best out of worsts…:)

Nora Ball

Oh and one more thing. Since being with Vodafone I have travelled to NZ and the USA and used their deal for $5 per day. It’s awesome! Full internet and phone overseas for $5 a day.

Nora Ball

I was with 3 Mobile years ago and found them to be ok, then I left and went to Telstra. I left Telstra about a year ago because of poor coverage and joined up with Vodafone. Vodafones 4G speeds are significantly faster than my own home cable internet with telstra! 4G motors! I couldn’t be happier.


No. Because I like my phone to work properly at home.


sounds like a step in the right direction to scoop more customers for 2015, but sadly reception at my home is very poor with vodafone. I wont be joining any time soon till reception at my home improves


Who can justify a $100 cell phone plan unless your on a business plan??


Who can justify using ‘your’ instead of ‘you’re’ or ‘you are’?


I don’t travel enough to justify the $100 plan but the $5 per day does come in handy.

Phill Edwards

I’m on Vodafone and I’m finding the network reliable, and I travel overseas a bit for work so the $5/day roaming is very important to me.