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News and Editorial

Plex enables Watch Together to help users be together while apart

COVID-19 has kinda sucked for a lot of people, the impact has been enormous for so many people. Economic, emotional and family impact -- our thoughts go out to those who've lost loved ones to the virus --...

Plex improves again, adding in new Plexamp features and a more powerful Admin app

Plex is one of the better-known media management options available. Setting up Plex gives great rewards but the pathway is painful. Having recently set up a new Plex server following hardware failure, the server setup is... clumsy to say...

Plex now offers thousands of ad-supported streaming titles

Plex is a platform that many users are well invested in, you can house your data on your own network and access it remotely. They had a brief venture into cloud storage, but that was not adopted widely be...

Plex for Android update brings a new UI and features

I use Plex for Android on a daily basis, and I know a lot of users who do similar (Hi Chris!). There have been continual updates over the last 12 months or so, but the latest update for Android...

Plex has some new offerings and updates

Plex is one of the biggest platforms for users to centrally store and distribute their own media library around their network and personal devices. Over the last month or so they've brought forward several updates and new offerings...

Plex for Android Auto is here… nearly

Plex is one of the biggest, well known media storage and streaming platforms around offering the capability to store your media (photos, videos, music) in a central or cloud based location and stream to any of your devices. ...

Plex CEO responds to privacy concerns in the wake of policy change

A few days ago we noted that the privacy policy at Plex had changed, with the potential for some data to be shared with third parties. Understandably some users were quite concerned by this and voiced their opinions...

Plex privacy update highlights potential for data sharing to third parties

Plex is a hugely popular third party media distribution platform that allows you to send your own storied media to your devices as well as share with your friends and family through account shares. As part of their continuing...

Sonos adds Plex functionality to its control center

Sonos is arguably the biggest name in home streaming speakers and they're not relying on their good name to keep them there, continually adding new functionality to their speakers and the latest update adds Plex support to the Sonos...

Plex update brings 4K and AC3 playback to Android TV

Popular media playback service Plex, has received an update to version 4.8, adding in 4K playback for users who have the service hooked up to 4K resolution TVs. The update doesn't just include 4K support, addition adds AC3 pass through...

Plex gets a material makeover

Plex TV is hugely popular; it's a way to centralise and automatically catalogue TV shows, Movies and Music and affords you the freedom to enjoy your media anywhere at any time. There's an app for pretty much every platform,...

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