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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Google stops developing updates for WebView opening up potential for security issues for over...

A large portion of Android devices could be open to attack, according to security a new report from security research team Rapid7, and it's all thanks to Google. According to a report in Forbes, security firm Rapid7 has advised...

Google Translate is about to begin live translations

Google Translate, is almost considered black magic when it comes to areas of communicating between different languages. But recently Microsoft appeared to jump ahead at least in one area: Live Translation. Microsoft introduced live translation into Skype last month,...

Sony launches Folding@home initiative for smartphones – curing disease with your phone

Distributed computing models have made up for a lack of super-computing availability for many years. From the early days of the Seti@home project in the 90's, looking for extra-terrestrial life, through to the Folding@home initiative launched by Sony and...

Falcon Pro 3 launches on Google Play

If, like a number of us, you enjoyed using Falcon Pro then get ready to be happy all over again - it's back! Version 3 of the little Twitter client that could has just hit Google Play. Falcon Pro client...

AAMI’s new Safe Driver app offering a $100,000 prize for safe drivers – but...

According to the Department of Infrastructure and Transport, up till November last year there were 1,185 road deaths - and even money says that some of those were caused by unsafe drivers. Insurance company AAMI has a vested interest...

AccuWeather now features Android Wear integration

If you're looking for a bit more detail about the weather than Google's Weather cards provide on your Android Wear device, then maybe you should revisit AccuWeather. AccuWeather has had apps on Android for as long as I can...

64GB Nexus 6 not due at retailers till at least next month

The long, drawn out launch of the Nexus 6 in Australia continues, with a source today advising Ausdroid that the 64GB version of the Motorola built Nexus 6 isn't due to arrive in Australia until at least next month. This...

BBM announce Android Wear compatibility

Remember BBM? The other, other, other, other messaging app that most people (outside of Indonesia where Blackberry is apparently still huge) installed out of curiosity then fairly promptly un-installed and haven't looked at since? Blackberry has announced today...

Nexus 6 appears on Google Play in white; 64GB models now showing “sold out”

If you've been waiting since launch for a white Nexus 6, today could be your lucky day - if you want the 32GB model. Eagle-eyed reader Dimitry drew our attention to the fact that the Play Store page for the...

St George announces new Business App, to consolidate banking functions for small business

St George bank, has today announced their new app aimed specifically at helping small business owners. The app 'St.George Business App' aims to be a 'One stop shop' for business customers to easily access the St George bank business...

YouTube will soon support 360° video

YouTube, the dominant source for online video storage and presentation is moving forward to match the demands of new technology, announcing that they will soon be hosting 360° video in 'the coming weeks'. There's been a large uptake in 360°...

Sony announces their new TV line-up featuring Android TV

Sony has today announced a new range of TV's at CES, bringing about the promised Android TV compatability that was announced at Google I/O in June last year. There's a full range of TV's with most supporting Android TV, allowing...

Sandisk announces Ultra Dual USB Drive 3.0 with microUSB and USB connectors and Android...

Sandisk has announced a new range of portable USB drives at CES this morning, announcing the Ultra Dual USB Drive 3.0 with microUSB and USB connectors. The drives can be used on any PC with the standard USB...

Google offering 60 days All Access to new users

Google Music All Access is a great streaming service, it competes quite well nose to nose with the big names like Spotify (paid service), MOG and JB Hifi's own service. As they do on a semi-regular basis; Google...

Google Play Books now allows you to rent Text Books in Australia

Just in time for the new school year to begin, Google has begun allowing Textbook rentals in Australia in a bid to cash in on the lucrative textbook market in Australia. The textbook market is a profitable one for...

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