Galaxy S4
The Samsung Galaxy S4 is no longer the flagship phone for Samsung, but the phone still sold in massive numbers and we’ve been expecting Android 4.4 for the handset for a while, now Samsung has begun pushing the Android 4.4 update out for the Galaxy S4.

We’ve been advised by a reader that their Optus GT-i9507 model is now receiving the 440MB update which takes the phone from Android 4.3 up to the current version of Android (4.4) – at least current for the next couple of weeks until Google releases Android L. The Firmware update: I9507XXUFNG2 – includes a long list of features including Knox, compatability with Galaxy Gear, security updates and of course a new look. The new look includes updated icons and the settings menu has a new tabbed look, the notification bar is also transparent now, most of which we’ve seen in other Kitkat updates for Samsung Galaxy devices previously.

The current status of the update for other carriers shows varied results. Vodafone was advising their customers as recently as last week on their last software update blog, that testing on the software update was ‘in progress’.

Telstra has better news, with their latest Software Update page on the Crowd Support forum stating that the update is on track for the 7th of October.

Sing out in the comments if you’ve received the Android 4.4 update on your handset and let us know which carrier you’re with and what you think.

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Telstra lied. Still waiting.


What about unlocked phones? I would of thought they get it first but not to be. I am with Vodafone prepaid, I wonder if I put in an Optus prepaid sim if I will get it sooner.

Jagd Seelen

Yes, That would be correct.


I Downloaded this update this morning. 440MB in size. 4.4.2 haven’t noticed any improvements yet.

Craig Baldie

Still waiting on the update for my GT-i9505 – late October says the latest news from Optus


Just in time for ‘L’ to be announced. It really is unacceptable to have such huge time delays on the release of new OS versions. I can’t believe that with google reducing the size of the central OS it’s really that complex for Samsung to tweak their bloatware to match the slight variations in interfaces. It seems as if they care so little for their customers that anything other than current product get given to the intern to play with. Rather than google trying to strongarm manufacturers to include more of google’s apps, they should be using the same tactics… Read more »


Actually if having the latest firmware quickly is your issue get a Nexus device. If you buy Samsung you accept that the will take their time and it is totally acceptable for them to release if and when they see fit. You are not buying and android phone you are buying a Samsung phone that runs Android which is an open source OS up to Samsung to manage their implementation. I used to buy Samsung phones but after the Galaxy Tab 7.7 debacle I refused to be at the whim of Samsung and went Nexus, I will never buy Samsung… Read more »


S4 on Virgin Mobile, got the update late Monday night.

Craig Baldie

from what I read on the Optus support page ( it seemed like they were waiting on Samsung to provide them with the update to test

Dave Belling

So happy I bought an S4 Active… still on 4.2.2…


Yeah, glad I got a good deal on one though. I’ve seen news of an update on the ATnT Merican ones and some real sketchy looking do-it-yourself how-to’s written in flaky english and using a 3rd party program called Odin (again looks verrry shady) but nothing remotely like a legit one in Aus.

Tony Mugan

Don’t skim, Daniel 🙂

Your Telstra link shows the S4 as being expected on 20th.
The Cat4 version of the S4, i9506 model, is TBA now due to a problem recently found in testing.