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Home 2021


Google’s Nexus Twitter account trolls Apple on iPhone day after years dormant

Imagine the surprise when I awoke to find a notification of a tweet from @googlenexus this morning. The account hasn't posted a new tweet in nearly four years or even responded to one...

Emoji reactions seemingly coming to Twitter

Emoji style reactions have been in place for some time across multiple social platforms. Twitter, being well established has been somewhat slow to move on this. Twitter has announced that users in...

Finally, Twitter allows you to log in with your Google account

It's way overdue, but the Beta client for Twitter is now allowing users to log in to the app with Google SSO credentials. While it's early days, according to 9to5Google, this is for...

Twitters Fleet-ing moment is finished

Fleet's have been available on the Twitter platform for about a year now. Despite the continued popularity of Twitter, the feature never really caught on and, in a blog post, they've announced the...

Twitter may soon let you unmention yourself from those annoying threads

Twitter is a mainstay in the social media market, but the problem is you can get caught in some long-winded exchanges. When this happens, the notifications can seem endless and cause huge frustration....

Twitter thinks you’ll pay $4.49 a month to undo tweets

Twitter has launched its first subscription service but is it worth the asking price? The launch features include bookmark folders, reader mode and the ability to undo tweets. Features that are useful,...

Twitter’s verification process is ready to reopen

After a fairly significant hiatus due to being flooded with requests, Twitter is almost ready to reopen its verification process. This reopening will include some improved guidelines outlining expectations for users who wish...

Twitter is set to prompt users think before sending a mean tweet

You know what they say, never text drunk or tweet angry right? Well unfortunately there's plenty of people who don't think before they tweet, prompting Twitter to ask them to. In early...

Protect your Twitter account by connecting multiple YubiKey devices

Online security is becoming more and more important to users, with hardware keys offering a level of security far beyond just a password. Twitter has announced on a post today, that they're now...

Twitter option to limit who replies is now live

We saw the first signs that Twitter were planning to limit who can reply to tweets in May. In a morning check today we found that -- providing you're using their web interface,...

Twitter is looking to enable voice clip tweeting… what could go wrong?

Twitter can be an amazing source of information, it can also be a cesspool of vial and abhorrent behaviour. These risks make it important to pick who you follow wisely, and to take what...

Twitter may ask you to read before you tweet

Twitter is a great source of information providing you're getting all of the right information. Good for some sources, but not for others is the fact that many users will simply hit the...

Twitter are finally testing the ability to limit who can reply to your tweets

Twitter is one of the few social media channels where users can find comfort in anonymity. Unfortunately that can also lead to some feeling comfortable in harassing and abusing others. A potential...

Twitter adds emoji reactions to Direct Message chats – now you can 😂😲😢❤️🔥👍👎 your...

Twitter has been on an development tear of late, with a number of small but important changes to its platform rolling out over the last few months. This morning, it flipped the switch on...

Get ready to pin your favourite lists in Twitter

Twitter is a beast, a continually evolving beast. There's a lot to like and just as much to dislike about the social media giant, but they're working to improve the status of both. The...

Social Networks
